Healing Ministry
I have come that they may have life and have it in fullness. (Jn.10:10)
Life is the most precious gift that God has given to us. Jesus came to this world to give life in its fullness. He went around doing good to all, healing the sick, cleansing the leper, giving sight to the blind hearing to deaf and the power of speaking to dumb and thus revealed himself as the physician of mankind.
FCC Amala Province renders her healing service through . Health Care Centers in 3 states in India UP, MP and MS and 2 centers in Germany Mayen and Hamburg. Our guiding star in this noble profession of healing is the Risen Lord who said Go throughout the whole world and preach the Gospel to all mankind. Believers will be given the power to perform miracles. They will place their hands on sick people who will get well (Mk 16/15-18)
Our Vision
Having received the mandate from Jesus, the Divine Healer to ensure life in its fullness, and inspired by His Compassionate love, FCC Amala envisages a healthy society were people, especially the poor and marginalized, attain and maintain holistic wellbeing and live in harmony with the creator, with self, with one another and with the environment.
-To provide humanizing care considering the dignity of person and the needs of the society.
To ensure promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health care to all, partivularly to the poor and marginalized through their empowerment.
To engage in social mobilization of the community by creating awareness on rights, duties and responsibilities related to health issues.
Health Care Institutions of Amala Province
1. Dayasagar Hospital Amravati, M.S.
2. St.Josephs Hospital Hoshangabad, M.P
3. Dayasagar Hospital Kusumkot M.S.
School of Nursing St.Josephs School of Nursing Hoshangabad, M.P
College of Nursing St. Josephs College of Nursing Hoshangabad, M.P
Health Centres
1. St.Marys Health Centre, Asadpur
2. Shantinilayam Health Centre Duni
3. Jeevan Jyoti Health Centre Balpur.
Sisters Engaged in Care of the Sick
Total No. 80
1. Doctors 6
2. Hospital Administrators 3
3. Matron 3
4. Principal 3
5. Nursing Teaching staff 4
6. Staff Nurses 28
7. Pharmacist 9
8. Lab Technicians 7
9. Physiotherapist 2
10. X-ray, ECG Technicians 4
11. Office Staff 4
12. Counselling & Deaddiction 4