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New Ventures and Challenging Ministries





Alphonsa Dham is a center where food is prepared for the cancer patients. Every day except Sunday food is prepared for 50 to 60 cancer patients of Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Institute in Bhopal and two of our sisters daily distribute it to them. It is great help for the poor patients who are admitted in the hospital for long period from distant villages.


"I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine you did it for me". (Mt.25:40)Seeing Jesus-the wounded healer-in the wounds and sores of leprosy patients St.Francis of Assisi the great lover of leprosy patients welcomed and served them with faith and compassionate love. We the daughters of St. Francis take care of the leprosy colonies in different parts of Bijnor and in Bhopal.


Our inspiration is Jesus the innocent Prisoner. Our well-motivated and committed sisters engaged in the field of Prison Ministry. Sr. Rose Mathew and Sr. Reena Jose are actively involved in it. Sr. Rose Mathew is the state Coordinator of Prison ministry in M.P. She visits many places along with her team and help the prisoners in many ways. Various programs are arranged for the betterment of the prisoners and their family members to bring hope in their life and to have the feeling of someone is with them in difficult situation.

Awareness Programs


- Environment and ecofriendly programs are arranged to give awareness to the people.

- Awareness Programs on Water borne diseases, TB, AIDS etc are given to the people in the village.

Through all these programs we aim at a society where peace, happiness and equality reigns.


Education -A Life Giving Mission



Evangelization and Faith

Children's Parliament



Healing Ministry

 I have come that they may have life and have it in fullness. (Jn.10:10)


Social Service


From ignorance to Awareness
Awareness to Sensitivity


Our mission houses are  in Germany & Malawi.