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Amala Province Bhopal

F.C.C Amala Province Bhopal had a humble beginning. Understanding the need of the Church and in response to the invitation of the late Bishop of Chanda Rt. Rev. Januarius CMI four Sisters from Sacred Heart Province, Ernakulam- Sr. Boniface, Sr.Lazaria, Sr. Vincentia and Sr. Angelus - reached Brahmapuri in Chanda Diocese, Maharashtra on 13th Feb.1968. In the course of time this little plant grew and became a tree branching into various Dioceses in North India. On 1st March 1988 this Mission was raised to a region-F.C.C Amala Region, and Assisi Bhavan, Bhopal the Regional house. Sr. Beena was appointed as the Regional Superior. On 8th Sept. 1991 this Region was declared as Vice Province and it became a Province on 4th April 1995. Sr. Starly was the first Provincial Superior to shepherd the new Province.


At present F.C.C Amala Province have 244 Professed Sisters and 38 Convents in 15 Dioceses in North India ,Germany & Malawi. 25th Feb. 1995 was a red -letter day in the history of Amala Province, Bhopal. On this day the Servant of God Sr. Rani Maria, a member of Amala Province sacrificed her life for the poor and the downtrodden. The diocesan tribunal for her beatification started on 29th June 2005 and completed on 28th June 2007. She is a shining example and inspiration for all the missionaries. We lift our hearts in thanks giving to God Almighty for His uncountable blessings and steadfast love towards us.


A short look in to the apostolic life of FCC Amala Province.


Education & Catechetical Work: 71 sisters are engaged in the apostolate of education, spread out in 17 schools in 11 Dioceses in five states. Among these 4 Schools are owned and administered by Amala Province.
Care of the Poor:To provide quality education and Faith Formation to the marginalized childrenour sisters (9) are rendering dedicated services in 8 hostels. About 800 children are benefiting from this effective learning. Among these nine hostels, three are owned and managed by the province.


Home for the Destitute: Inspired by the spirit of St. Alphonsa, the passion flower who channelized the suffering into love, we started a home for the Destitute at Sevagram, Maharashtra on 28th July 2008. Two sisters are fully engaged in serving them


Healing Ministry (Care of the sick)


FCC Amala renders her health services through 10 health care centers in three states in India-U.P., M.P. and M.S and in Germany. 77 sisters are engaged in the care of the sick. Three hospitals are owned and administered by Amala Province.


Social Service and Evangelization: 25 sisters are fully engaged in the social service and 10 sisters in evangelization.


Service to the marginalized-: With great enthusiasm and zeal our sisters (5) are at the service of leprosy patients in five colonies.


Prison Ministry: "I was in prison and you visited me (Mt.25/36)". In response to the request made by the Superintendent, Central Jail,Bhopalwe started the Jail ministry first in Bhopal and at present it is spread into 9 dioceses.

Servant of God Rani Maria, a martyr of charity:Sr. Rani Maria a member of FCC Amala province sacrificed her life for the poor and downtrodden on 25th February 1995.She is a shining example and inspiration for all the missionaries. The Diocesan tribunal for her beatification got over on 28th June 2007.